28 March, 2008

Goggles and gloves

Three of my FUTURE Chiltte
Vojag (( un-named )), Vajga and technician (( un-named also ))

Technician is a rather mean chilt, but he is very fascinated by vojag's full armour. There aren't many of those, but I won't tell you why. Vajga is interested in that too, but for different reasons. He also hates vojags guts. There's a fourth chilt, short guy with only one glove who accompanies vojag, but I forgot that one in Jihlava ^^ ;
As for vojag himself, he's a cynical bastard

Lord sketches

Three Lord sketches. He looks so weird with ears down

27 March, 2008

Chiltte <3

I love drawing Chiltte. There's two variations actually, Future ones and Past ones
Future ones are the armoured guys with goggles and gloves (( 1st pic ))
Past ones are the ones in Luna vs Sol conflict, in simple or no clothes (( 2nd and 3rd pic ))

Currently, I'm working on the armour variations for the Future ones, I love working with those guys. I have like three or four characters for the Future story so far, I might post the sketches of them this weekend

I:0 girls

Since I dun have stuff to upload right now, have the girls of Insanity Zero.
Specifically The Queen, Hiroshine and Lady. Yey! <3

16 March, 2008


... I had the weirdest dream.
I was going through these halls and various game-looking levels and I was killing the bad guys. Only much later I was forced to realize I'm in a local school, those fuckers did nothing much to deserve to die and I'm actually a psycho. I still tried to kill people, I even killed one dude who tried to make me see how much I suck, but he was rather agressive and screamy. Then, I was in some sort of school 'bar', considering going on the stage, do some weird shit and then kill myself, but instead I went away through the window. Then we had PE, we were standing in front of the changing room waiting for the teacher to open it and I saw Wolfest pass by. Saw me but didn't greet me. Then I was in front of the school planning to take some better photos for the school webpage (( my old základka, their pages are actually even worse than in my dream O_=; )) and there was a fallen tree there
I think somewhere there the dream ended but the part where several people chased after me sick of me killing people really scared the shit out of me. Also, I was killing small children, which was neat, but I said something so fucking cliché it makes me sick to my stomach

13 March, 2008

Various stuffs

So I finished Halo two days ago. Started playing XIII the same time and Half-Life yesterday.
XIII's pretty awesome with its comic-ness
With Half-Life, I have yet to decide whatever it's cute or creepy with its pixelness, yet horrible stuff that keeps scaring the shit out of me at night

There's also two new beginnings here
For one, some houses in The Sims 2 wouldn't load for me so I had to start completly over almost two weeks ago. Bye bye my 4th generation sims
Also, images in FireFox wouldn't load for me either, so I started a new profile. Sure, I retrieved all my bookmarks, search engines and already have my skin back, but this forces me to keep recalling all the passwords to all the sites whose names I have to type fully now. That's just annoying

01 March, 2008

VoiceAct session 1.0

Hey there <3
This is the first session, which is by far worse than the second session I think, which will with luck be delivered today also.

I am red, Troy is blue

VoiceAct SESSION 1.0 [ down mp3 file here]
So, we are talking in English

It's very fresh and cool ... we like it
...I feel like a moron ... but I like it ...
Now you
Ch: I was talking to Gary and -
C: Told you so!
Ch: G- DO PRDELE! (( fuck ))
That can work
C: Classic Church
Ch: Hey, hey! Gary, Gary! GARY! GARY!
I'm losing you! GARY!
...oh! Me again!
Dumbass! Stupid! TALK!
Ch: And that's when I turned around and I saw -
C: Saw what? Saw O'Malley?
Ch: What? Caboose!
Get outta the story, man!
T: Me? I'm just trying to punch up the story line. Check this out!
Hi, everybody! I'm super horny from all the robot killing!
Hey, is it hot in here?
Who wants to help me out of this heavy armor? This breastplate is sooo itchy.
Bow chicka bow ... woah, story's over!
Tex: You're a pig!
Yeah, you're Tucker, moron!
I am Tucker!
T: My story-
I am an alien, I am an alien, I am an alien ...
Shut up!
Duuuuuuuuum - b
T: Oh, kinky!
Ch: Seriously, dude, cut the shit
Ch: We've got ... a situation on our hands
.....vole! (( dumbass ))
Tex: Well, how did you fight it off?
Ch: Fight it off? You must have me confused with someone who's brave
Tex: You're telling me you left your body behind? Your BEAUTIFUL ... BODYY!!!
Ch: That body was just dead weight
C: I know the feeling
Ch: ...what, what is THAT supposed to mean?
Tex: Well, then let's go get this big thing of yours
T: Bow chicka bow wow!
Bow chicka bow wow - oh shut up! Shut up Tucker!
Oh yea, shut up, Tucker!
T: Did somebody call for a realy hairy plumber? Bow chicka bow wow!
C: Tucker! Shut up!
T: I came here to lay some ... pipe? Bow chicka bow wow!
T: So I heard you got sisters - bow chicka - who are twins! wow wow!
Ch: Shut. Up.
T: Hey, are you a model or famous actress? Bow chicka bow wow!
Ch: Shut! UP!
T: Bow chicka chicka
Ch: Shut. Up.
...gau? Gau wow chicka...
...gau shut up
chicka bow wow chicka
bow wow wow wow wow ...ow...?
I'm saying Tuckerrrrr
Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker
Will you ... will you say this one? With Sarge?
I'm supposed to scream in the background the whole time
That's awesome!
...that wasn't Sarge, that was slow-motion Grif
I see
And my jaw hurts
Mwahahahaha, I am O'Malley!
I want O'Malley! Let's find O'Malley!
Kk, we'll find O'Malley
O'M: I see ... well, this is certainly awkward
...WHA?! - Troy actually freaked out. That was hilarious <3>
A: I was just kidding! I didn't really explode!
Ch: Good one
O'M: Yes ... highly amusing
Try some Sarge
S: Make a border around us, and make sure no enemy crosses it.
That's awesome
S: Number 3? Whaddaya mean 'Number 3?'
S: And Lopez
Another one!
S: Honeymoon's over, numBnuts! You're back down to number 7!
S: Sure, Simmons, I believe you! You saw an enormous tank that appeard miracurously and then just as quickly disappeard. And you are the only one that can see it! Just like signs of Donuts heterosexuality
I can't!
Hetero sexuality Hetero Het- Het-
Not sh, put that ch in there
No, no
Seshuei. Heterosekshueishon
That sekchu
Ah, just fuck it up somehow
Hetero sexshu
That's horrible
I like it
I don't
Now the French Sarge
S: The access code is ... access code!
Si: Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me
S: Oh bitch about it later!
-more Lopez-
S: Lopez, replay the intel message from command
L: Okay
G: See? I'm telling you, this guy's faking
Vic: -spanish-
G: Oh come on, the recording is in Spanish? That doesn't even make any sense!
L: Después de analizar los datos que usted fucking long word
S: Eggs Benedict Arnold, those dirty traitors. No offense Simmons.
Si: None taken Sir.
S: Traitor.
Si: God dammit!
L: Aquí están sus órdenes: elimine a la emigo. Okay -
Shut up!
L: Okay hombres, Buena suerte.
No, wait, I'm VIC
Vic: Aquí están sus órdenes: elimine a la enemigo. Okay hombres, Buenasuerte.
S: We've got to figure out what he's saying. Donut, can you translate or can't you?
D: Um I think he's saying something about losing his passport.
Si: Well, when I was in Blue Base Church mentioned they built a translation device out of an old bomb.
S: E-Gads, no doubt to decipher their plans to destroy us! If we don't translate the tactical plans Lopez is saying, we're all doomed!
Vic: -more spanish-
S: That information could save our very lives!
Si: Why don't we sneak in to Blue Base, grab the translation device, and use it on our message?
S: I agree
G: Let me get this straight: We're going to steal a bomb from our enemies - a bomb that can be remotely detonated I might add - and then we're gonna bring it back to our base, and all huddle around it. What a great plan.
Si: Well sure, it sounds stupid when you say it like that.
S: Go on, let's move. Somebody grab Lopez's cabesa.
D: Of course.
Sarge: That's not the cabesa Donut... and that's not Lopez!
Now you!
NOOOooooI'm laughing
NOOOOoooI'm laughing I'm laughing
I'm laughing
3, 2, 1 ... (( ...I think my mic just died ))
...enough. Turn it off!
F: How are you adjusting to the climate here in Blood Gulch, private Church?
Ch: Fine. A little warm, but ... okay
F: That's great. You have any problems at all, you let me know
Ch: Ummm... okay?
(( Now you. No, you ))
T: What's up, sir?
F: Sir? Tucker, I told you to call me captain. Or Cappy. I don't want silly things (( quit it )) things like rant to interfere with out team dynamic
T: You got it, Cappy!
F: I think I'm commanding the finest army in all of Blood Gulch
(( READ IT! That's still you! ))
T: Isn't there just one other army? Those Red guys?
Ch: Yea, you know, the enemy?
F: I will tell you who your enemy is, gentelmen. Apathy. Passivity. Indifference. And yes, also those Red guys
Ch: Yea, I've been thinking about our orders from command, eh, Cappy, and I gotta tell you - (( VOLE! (( DUMBASS! )) shhh! That's not what I wanna tell him! )) and I gotta tell you, I don't think three guys is enough to ??? such an elaborate offence
T: I think we should listen to this guy, Captain, he seems to know plenty about being offensive
Ch: Can it, shitbird!
T: See?
(( ........................ehheheh, I'm tired of transcripting everything, sooo...I'll just transcript the parts that are out of the actual lines ^^;;;; ))
F: ...or my name isn't captain Butch Flowers. ...the end.
Am I recording? Recording? Recording?
I'm not, I'm not!
It keeps turning itself off! Are you recording?
I'm recording!
-Sheila scene-
S: Hello and thank you for activating the letters and numbers main battle tank. You may call me Sheila
C: Hello, Sheila, big tank Lady
S: Would you like me to run tutorial program?
Ch: Sheila, what are you talking about? Forget what I just said
Got boring, let's move on
Okay, let's move on
C: Look, a tema-scope
...he's red? Oh yea, he's actually, he's, he's Sarge!
This one!
Well, scream it. Oh, I scream that one. Dios mio NOOOO!
??? -shrug-
...and why is my computer coughing?
...your computer is coughing?
That was in Zim, moron
Ooooh, it was Zim. I remember
-some Donut screaming-
...I loove you, I really really doo... What? I hate that song
You know I loove you, I really really do <3